Thursday, April 07, 2011

Strawberry Acne Mask

Berry Good Acne Remedy via

You don’t have to be a teen to have acne! But whatever your age, if you get occasional blemishes, this formula is for you!

1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 tablespoon sour cream

1. Mash well to combine
2. Then apply this mixture to your clean face.
3. Allow to stay for 10 minutes or so.
4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Pat Dry.

*The first time you try this: Apply a bit of the mask to the inside of your wrist before using on your face. You want to make sure your skin won’t have a bad reaction to it (allergies). If your skin begins to feel irritated or burning, remove it immediately.

Strawberry Benefits:
Makes your skin pores smaller
Makes your face look brighter
Gently refreshes and exfoliates the skin
Removes impurities
Reduces redness and swelling

Sour Cream Benefits:
The active ingredient in sour cream--that is, lactic acid--is a type of alpha-hydroxyl acid, which naturally removes dead skin to promote new skin cell generation, even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines, says the Pharmacy Mix skincare website.

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